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Emner - Defus

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Introduksjoner / Hellow thar!
« på: 12. jan, 2017, 15:01 »
Hellow thar!

I've moved to Norway recently and though I'd drop by here and say my Hellows!
I'm just a silly blue wusky who likes to hang out with friends and also meeting new people! I have survived 22 and very soon 23 winters as I am probably the worst husky/wolf thing ever xD I can be spotted usually around Sarpsborg drooling in supermarkets on steaks and looking very confused at the cashiers because I have no clue what they are saying because I'm a dog.

Speaking of that, most of my time I spend studying norwegian and it's going quite well. I enjoy playing video games, fursuiting, spending time with friends and meeting new people, although I am mostly shy when I don't know people but once I get to know the person I start talking a lot :) Also, I derp a lot, so I apologize xD

I'll be attending NordicFuzzCon and meets so feel free to come and say hi.

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