Norwegian Paws

Furry eksentrisiteter => Fursuit => Emne startet av: Honey på 17. aug, 2010, 19:09

Tittel: [Sold!]
Skrevet av: Honey17. aug, 2010, 19:09

FurBuy Auction: (

All details listed in the auction!

Tittel: Sv: Realistic black wolf partial for sale!
Skrevet av: Honey20. aug, 2010, 09:21
New pictures
Tittel: Sv: Realistic black wolf partial for sale!
Skrevet av: Six20. aug, 2010, 11:26
This is awesome!

good luck selling ^^
Tittel: Sv: Realistic black wolf partial for sale!
Skrevet av: Honey20. aug, 2010, 14:23
Now on furbuy and with youtube video as well
Tittel: Sv: Realistic black wolf partial for sale!
Skrevet av: Tahami20. aug, 2010, 18:11
so cool *u*
lagde du eller kjøpte du øynene?
Tittel: Sv: Realistic black wolf partial for sale!
Skrevet av: Honey20. aug, 2010, 19:05
Øjnene er taxidermy eyes fra Van Dykes
Tittel: Sv: [Sold!]
Skrevet av: Honey21. aug, 2010, 12:12