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Meldinger - Babszi

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thank you everyone for the warm welcome :)

Thank you :)).
its wonderful so far :3

tusen takk.. as they say. hehe :3

wow nice :3.
i never except that there are this many fellow furries here  [laugh] . that's really awesome :3
thanks for the kind greetings :3

i'm a 3 weeks old furry.. so i'm really new... but i would love to get a fursuit later. your fursuit is amaizing felixcani :o

met only friendly vikings so far. :3
sure they not drinking as much as they used to be...  [laugh]

sure! my skype is kecsenye63. feel free :3

wow really? :D that's soo cool :3.
and thanks for the warm greetings :3

thank you  :3. yes. i'm trying to start a new life here in Nord Odal. :)

hai! :)
I'm Babszi the Hyena. just recently moved to the beautiful Norway from Hungary. I'm working on to become a productive member of this great community... but sadly i had an accident couple days ago. (have to say norwegian healthcare is exceptional). also learning the language.
I just recently joined to the fandom. but i love it so far.
thank you for reading my messy writing.  [laugh]
bro paw! *giggle*

Sider: [1]