For the Norwegian-impaired / Sv: Ello, new here!
« på: 05. aug, 2022, 10:25 »
Aww, that's unfortunate!
I do wonder, if this site could be repurposed to give people a reason to be more active on here again?
As known as this website was for the Norwegian / Scandinavian furry community back in the days, this site could have a hidden potential, I feel.
Unless it's already been decided to keep this site semi-inactive.
Just a thought. 🙂
I do wonder, if this site could be repurposed to give people a reason to be more active on here again?
As known as this website was for the Norwegian / Scandinavian furry community back in the days, this site could have a hidden potential, I feel.
Unless it's already been decided to keep this site semi-inactive.
Just a thought. 🙂