Generelt > For the Norwegian-impaired

Newcomer here!

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Velkommen Hit =^-^= I talk to American furs on a regular basis, So if you want to chat with me you can find my contact information in my profile banner ↓ Håper du Trives :D

Welcommen to oss!
                ~Petter Solberg-Engelsk

Thanks for the welcoming! I'm surprised to see the interest there is here even in the not so Norwegian parts of the forum. Now for some replies.

--- Sitat fra: Skyee på 09. nov, 2015, 07:50 ---Velkommen hit!

En ting kan jeg jo nevne, og det er at jo mer norsk du leser, jo lettere blir det å kunne skrive det senere :3 Sånn var det i det minste for meg med engelsk!

Håper du liker deg her o/

--- Slutt sitat ---
So thanks for the advice, it's nice to hear a little from other experiences. I'll definitely try reading some more, and I recently got a few old comic books from family so it's good timing. Hopefully I'll be writing soon!

--- Sitat fra: Velvian på 09. nov, 2015, 02:57 ---Velkommen til forumet!

Don't worry about not being able to reply fully in Norsk, most if not everyone here speak English so no worries =)

--- Slutt sitat ---
Yeah, I have noticed English is rather common. I'd rather use Norwegian, but it's nice to have English to fall back on if I have to. I'm just so glad a forum like this exists because I have been wanting a way to get involved with Norway even while I'm in the states and to explore the furry community.

--- Sitat fra: Dax Cyro på 09. nov, 2015, 12:36 ---Welcome Charade.
Where in the States are you from? :)

--- Slutt sitat ---
I'm over in California.

Good luck! C: Det er aldri noe problem å skrive på engelsk om det blir vanskelig å lese da :D hehe.


Velkommen, velkommen ^,..,^

Hope you'll like it here with us, og lykke til~


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